Central Shaheed Minar is the national landmark of Bangladesh. It is situated close to Dhaka Medical College Hospital and in the Dhaka University region. It is a Historical spot, on February 21, 1952, many understudies and political activists were slaughtered when the Pakistani police power opened flame on Bengali dissenters who were requesting equivalent status to their local tongue, Bangla. Consistently on February 21, numerous individuals come here to show regard just as lasting through the year.
Shaheed Minar landmark worked in memory of the mother language saints, who were murdered on 21 February 1952 during the language development. A commemoration to the saints was fabricated following the killings, on 23 February 1952.
The arranging, choice of the site and the development work of the dedication were done on the activity of the understudies of Dhaka Medical College. The little structure of the main commemoration, on a base 101/2 feet high and 6 feet wide, was built at the spot where the shootings had occurred: the south-eastern corner of the present Shaheed Minar premises. Following development, a plate with the words ‘Shaheed Smrtistambha’ (landmark in the memory of the saints) was attached to the landmark.
History Shahid Minar:
The main Shaheed Minar, based on February 22, 1952. It was wrecked by Pakistan Police and Army four days after the fact. The principal Shaheed Minar was fabricated following the occasions of February 21. As indicated by Dr. Sayeed Haider, the principal organizer and the fashioner of the main Shaheed Minar, the choice to manufacture it was first taken by the understudies of Dhaka Medical College. Shaheed Minar is arranged close to Dhaka Medical College Hospital and in the Dhaka University region. It is nearby the Mathematics division of Dhaka University. It is just 0.5 km away from Shahbag and 0.25 km a long way from Chankharpul. Shaheed Minar is an extraordinary landmark of Bangladesh. It was worked to tribute the saints who surrendered their life for language. The principle episode had been happening within Dhaka therapeutic school emergency clinic. So a choice was taken to assemble a commemoration adjoining DMCH. The arranging began at 12 PM on February 22 and the work began the following day. This Minar was supported by Pearu Sardar, one of the old Dhaka panchayet sardars when a portion of the understudies solicited his assistance at the 12 PM from 22 February to contribute the crude materials expected to manufacture the landmark. In spite of the fact that check-in time was set up, understudies began building the Minar toward the evening of February 23. They worked during that time and completed it at daybreak. A transcribed paper was appended to the Minar with ‘Shaheed Smritistombho’ composed on it. The first Minar estimated at 10 feet (3.0 m) by 6 feet. The Minar was introduced by the dad of Sofiur Rahman, slaughtered during the slaughter. It was crushed inside a couple of days by the police and Pakistani Army. Some little dedications on a similar model were worked in different spots of the nation. Two years after the main landmark was devastated by the police, another Shaheed Minar (Monument of Martyrs) was developed in 1954 to celebrate the dissidents who lost their lives. This minaar (landmark) was initiated by Natyaguru Nurul Momen. Work on a bigger landmark planned by planner Hamidur Rahman started in 1957 with the help of the United Front service.
Shaheed Minar (1963-1971):
Following the arrangement of nearby government by the United Front – driven by A.K. Fazlul Huq and the Awami League, the commemoration of 21 February in 1956 was watched straightforwardly and broadly and it ended up conceivable to develop the new landmark. Stone worker Hamidur Rahman made the plan of Shaheed Minar under which development was begun in 1957. Hamidur Rahman’s model was a tremendous complex in a huge region of land in the yard of Dhaka Medical College Hostel. The colossal plan incorporated a half-roundabout segment to symbolize the mother with her fallen children remaining on the landmark’s focal dais. Yellow and dark blue bits of recolored glass, symbolizing eyes mirroring the sun, were likewise to be put in the sections. The marble floor was intended to mirror the moving shadows of the segments. The storm cellar of the Minar additionally incorporated a 1,500-square-foot (140 m2) fresco delineating the historical backdrop of the language development. A railing enlivened with the Bengali letters in order was to be built in front. Two footmarks shaded red and dark, demonstrating the two inverse powers, were likewise in the plan. Other than this, an exhibition hall and a library were likewise incorporated into Hamidur Rahman’s structure. A wellspring molded like an eye was likewise to be constructed. Rahman explicitly planned the materials of the landmark to withstand the region’s tropical atmosphere.
Development began in November 1957 under the supervision of Hamidur Rahman and Novera Ahmed. The greater part of the work, including the cellar, stage, a portion of the sections with the rails, impressions and a portion of the wall paintings were likewise completed when the Martial Law was acquainted and development was constrained with a stop. Development work was finished in 1963, leaving quite a bit of Rahman’s structure incomplete. It was initiated on February 21, 1963, by the mother of Abul Barkat, Hasina Begum. The Minar was seriously harmed by Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. The sections were wrecked during the fighting. The Pakistani Army squashed the Minar and set over the rubble a billboard perusing “Mosque.”
The language development was one of the considerable developments which have come up in the nation of Bangladesh, subsequently The Central Shaheed Minar encapsulates, at the end of the day, speaks to the soul of Bangladeshi patriotism and furthermore features the significance of the Bengali language in the social and social advancement of the nation. Therefore, Shaheed Minar has an extremely huge spot in the social and social system of Bangladesh. At present, all national, grieving, social and different exercises happened every year with respect to 21 February is revolved around the Shaheed Minar.
Ticket Price: No ticket price in here. It is free for everyone.
Opening Hour: It’s always open to everyone.
Off Day: There is no off day.
Contact Number: No contact number is here.
Address, Location (How to go):
The Shaheed Minar is situated near Dhaka Medical College Hospital and in the Dhaka University territory. It is adjacent the Mathematics Department of Dhaka University. To visit focal Shaheed Minar first you need to come in Shahbag. You can discover the town transport administration from anyplace of Dhaka city to go to the Shahbag. From Shahbag, you can procure a Rickshaw or go for a stroll to arrive at Shaheed Minar and it will take pretty much 10 minutes to go.
Most attractive Things (What you can see there):
Everything is too much attractive when you visit it you can realize.